Friday 7 October 2016

The MAK Museum Vienna - Exhibition 2017


Erotic Art from Japan

Wed, 12.10.2016–Sun, 05.03.2017
The erotic colour woodblock prints shown in the MAK exhibition are loans from the Leopold Private Collection, supplemented by prints from the MAK collection and a further Viennese private collection.

Guest curator: Diethard Leopold
Curator: Johannes Wieninger, Curator, MAK Permanent Collection Asia
Scientific consultant: Sepp Linhart

The exhibition contains explicit erotic depictions that might be offensive to the moral sensibility of persons under 16 years of age.

Saturday 1 October 2016


こんにちは Kon'nichiwa  (Hello)

Who am I?

My name is Steve, I am married to Jackie and have a growing family (3 kids Luke, Beca and Beth) and two grandchildren.
I spend weekends with the family and when I do get some spare time I use that time to take wildlife photography and birdwatch (these adventures can be found on A Birding Blog.

What is the blog about?

Japan has always caught my imagination, Koi Carp, Samurai Warriors, Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints along with Chinese wuxia drama films such as Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of the Flying Daggers, Banquet and Red Cliff, Bonsai and Japanese Gardens.

I will publish reviews on the books I read and images of the art I like, and anythng else that takes my fancy.
