Friday 11 August 2017

Toyohara Chikanobu- Meisho Bijin Awase

Toyohara Chikanobu Collection

Meisho bijin awase

“Comparison of Famous Places and True Beauties.”

FORMAT: Oban diptychsapprox 47,4 cm x 35,5 cm
PUBLISHED BY: The set published by Matsuki Heikichi, 1897-8
NOTES: Toyohara Chikanobu (1838–1912), better known to his contemporaries as Yoshu Chikanobu. Chikanobu was a leading artist of the Meiji period (1868-1912), a time  when Japan saw the reinstatement of the emperor as ruler and was undergoing rapid westernization.  He was one of the most prolific woodblock print artists of this period, working with both traditional subjects, such as actors, courtesans, scenes of famous sites, beautiful women, and with topical subjects, such as the Satsuma Rebellion (1877) and the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895.)2  Chikanobu used the flat planes and decorative patterning of the ukiyo-e tradition to striking effect, adding brilliant colors, especially reds, purples, and blues to his compositions.  He worked in a style that often reflected western conventions in art.

This is a fine set of diptychs showing beauties compared to scenic places in Japan. 
Meisho bijin awase, “Comparison of Famous Places and True Beauties.” 
Chikanobu uses exquisite shading of colors and pale, pastel tones that are quite in contrast to the gaudy depictions of most of his Meiji prints. By this technique he creates quite unusual effects like the depiction of mist. Thus he evokes moods for the viewer. These have been reproduced on A3 size white 170gsm paper.


Sozumegaura in Musashi Province

The unusual backgrounds in this series are printed in blue with touches of pink.

Matsushima in Rikuzen Province.

Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park.

Kirifuri waterfall in Nikko Province

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